With the final date fast approaching
everyone is moving into the prep phase for what could basically be
called the closing ceremony of our year on Gough.
With less than a hundred days to go
until the relief team arrives in September, we are all planning the
final bits and pieces that need to be sorted out before the arrival
of the SA Agulhas II. Most of this involves prepping the base and the
surrounds. So just a bit of spring cleaning here and there and a spot
of gardening.
But hey, this isn't to say we don't
keep our home clean. We just want it shinning for our relief team.
Gough 58 we are all very excited to have you join us and hope you
will enjoy your stay as much as we have, and will appreciate the
effort we put in, in preparing “Gough House” for you.
At resent the G58 team are in training
in Johannesburg and Cape Town and I am sure are getting extremely
excited about heading down south to the roaring forties.
Other things we are all doing is trying
to figure out what happens when we all get home. Where will we work,
what will we do. Each of us will soon be going in our own separate
direction, so now it's a matter of trying to get ducks in a row.
Since my last post we have once again
headed out to weight the seal pups. This time it was just Nkoane and
myself. The size of the pups has not changed since our last weighing
trip, but the lack of an extra pair of hands in the form of Karen and
Sylvian was definitely felt.
The average weight of a pup being
around 11-12kg's becomes rather burdensome after about the 50th
pup. Thank goodness Nkoane is “a giant” and is more
than capable of grabbing the scale and finishing up when it felt like
I was on the verge of slipping a disk.
It's really hard to explain how difficult it can get when weighing the pups, but hopefully the facial expressions will tell the story a fair bit better than I can.
It's really hard to explain how difficult it can get when weighing the pups, but hopefully the facial expressions will tell the story a fair bit better than I can.
It took us a little bit longer to get
hold of all 100 pups but eventually we managed and were warm and dry
up until the very last one. But it wasn't the rain that got as
shivering, instead it was the sea water.
Each week when we finish up we head on
to the waters edge to give the hands a bit of a clean in the ocean.
It's a bit of a task as you have to balance precariously on the
slippery rocks with plenty seals lurking about whilst timing your
movement towards the water just right with the rhythm of the incoming
waves. Problem is you always seem to get the big one that comes with
the set. This time both Nkoane and myself were caught totally off
guard and got a through soaking. Guess it's no different to when you
go out waking and the rain starts to fall.
We just laughed it of and sat down for
a break before we headed back to the base. And it just wouldn't be
right if we didn't have Nkoanes favourite jelly-babies and
eat-sum-mor's for lunch. I think he has got me hooked now.
We are also caught slightly off guard
when a couple of the pups managed a quick turn and nipped one of
Nkoanes knee's, as well as my fingers and both knees. Thankfully it
was nothing serious and we still had our wits about us and were able
to avoid the full force of a bite. Still a scary moment non the less.
Happily we still have all apendages in
tact and hopefully we can keep it that way until we head home
Still got another trip out to weigh the
seals before take over, and then will finish up the seal season
during take over once the project supervisor, Professor Marthan
Bester arrives.
Definitely looking forward to having
him around to finish up the season and hopefully hear a couple
stories of his time on Gough as part of G20, G21, G23. Definitely an
island veteran. These combined with his overwintering expedition to
Marion Island and his numerous take over trips to both Marion and
But that's pretty much it for now. All
we waiting for is spring and the ship to arrive, and for our arrival
in Cape Town. Still loving every second out here, and will probably
be dragged off kicking and screaming when it is time to go.
Gough 58, you are going to have the
time of your life and have an experience that you will never forget.
We all look forward to meeting you.
Here is a link to take a look at regarding the new ship that will be coming out to fetch us, as well as a video of Nkoane weighing one of the pups.
The SA Agulhas II on a test run
towards Antarctica:
Nkoane weighing a seal:
Nkoane weighing a seal: